Create and manage crud operation log data PHP
function crud_log($action = '',$message = '',$array_data = array()){
global $handle_crud_log;
date_default_timezone_set("Australia/Sydney"); //Ex. set australia/sydney timezone
$crud_log_dir = "crud-log"; //Create this DIR(crud-log) on file dir location
if (!file_exists($crud_log_dir)){
// create directory/folder uploads.
mkdir($crud_log_dir, 755, true);
$quote_log_file_name = "/crud_log_".date("m_Y").".log";
$ip_address = @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." #### ". @$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
$date_time = date("d/m/Y H:i:s");
$action_name = $action; // (Ex. Create/Read/Update/Delete)
$crud_msg = $message; //Create, Read, Update and Delete message;
$array_data = $array_data; //Array data type Like $_POST
$handle_crud_log = fopen($crud_log_dir.$quote_log_file_name, "a");
fwrite($handle_crud_log, "=================================================\r\n");
fwrite($handle_crud_log, "At: {$date_time}\r\n");
fwrite($handle_crud_log, "From: {$ip_address}\r\n");
fwrite($handle_crud_log, "Action: {$action_name} \r\n");
fwrite($handle_crud_log, "Message: {$crud_msg}\r\n");
fwrite($handle_crud_log, "Data: ". print_r($array_data, true));
fwrite($handle_crud_log, "=================================================\r\n\r\n");
$action = "Update";
$message = "Update emplyee detail";
$array_data = array("f_name"=>"PHP", "l_name"=>"Kishan");
crud_log($action, $message, $array_data); // call function for create log
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